How To Get Rid Of Brown Stains On Mattress

How To Get Rid Of Brown Stains On Mattress – Top 3 Methods

Have you ever seen the annoying brown stains on mattress? The ones brought on by sweat, unintentional spills, and body oils? They are a relatively widespread problem, so don’t worry. We all desire a comfortable and sanitary sleeping environment, so keeping a hygienic atmosphere is crucial. Now picture a blog article coming to your rescue! 

Our goal is straightforward: we’re here to walk you through the process of successfully getting rid of those tenacious brown stains and restoring the freshness of your mattress. Yes, you are correct; this information is coming directly from a person who understands the mattress battle.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Causes of Brown Stains On Mattress

Those annoying brown spots on mattress. They pop up for various reasons like when you sweat a bit too much during sleep, when your body oils decide to make a mark, or when you accidentally spill something. Even those tiny dust mites hanging around can contribute to the staining party.

Now, before we dive into cleaning, it’s crucial to figure out why those stains appeared in the first place. Think of it like detective work for your mattress. Different stains might need different treatments, so knowing the cause helps us choose the right cleaning method. 

Does alcohol kill Bed Bugs? you can also read for cleaning mattresses.

Imagine you’re sorting out your closet – you wouldn’t wash your white shirt the same way you wash your blue jeans, right? Same idea here! This step is all about making sure our cleaning game plan is spot-on and effective. You know, like making sure you’ve got the right ingredients before baking a cake!

Preparing for the Cleaning Process

Do you know how sometimes you want your mattress to feel all fresh and cozy? Well, before we dive into the cleaning fun, let’s get everything set up, just like how you gather your game gear before a big adventure.

1 – Gathering necessary cleaning supplies

You’re about to whip up a yummy meal in the kitchen. You’d grab ingredients like spices, veggies, and meat, right? Well, guess what? Your mattress needs some special ingredients too! 

We’re talking about the following ingredients:

  • Baking soda (it’s like a secret cleaning weapon), 
  • White vinegar (a magical liquid), 
  • Hydrogen peroxide (fancy water), 
  • Mild detergent (super gentle soap), 
  • Clean cloths (for wiping), 
  • A spray bottle (like the one you use for plants),
  • A soft-bristle brush (for giving your mattress a cozy massage). 

These goodies are like your tools to turn your mattress into a sparkling clean superstar.

2 – Removing bedding and protecting the surrounding area

Let’s clear up the stage before the cleaning party starts. It’s similar to organizing your space before doing your assignment. Remove your blankets and bed linens to allow brown spots on mattress to breathe. We’ll be wise and put it on a plastic sheet because cleaning can be a little messy. 

When it’s raining, think of it as donning a raincoat. Your mattress area is surrounded by plastic sheets to keep everything neat and secure.

3 – Vacuuming the mattress to remove loose debris and dust

Have you ever seen a vacuum cleaner gobble up crumbs from the floor? Well, guess what? Your mattress wants to play that game too! Before the big cleaning dance, let’s give your mattress a quick vacuum hug. 

This helps pick up all the tiny crumbs, hair, and dust that decided to hang out on the surface. It’s like shaking out a rug to say goodbye to the dirt. Vacuuming your mattress is like giving it a high-five to send away all the dust bunnies. 

So, getting ready to clean the brown stain on mattress is like setting up for a cool adventure. You’re grabbing your superhero cleaning supplies, putting on a raincoat (the plastic sheet), and giving your mattress a friendly vacuum hug. All set for the exciting cleaning mission! 

Testing Cleaning Solutions

Okay, let’s talk about being a smart cleaner! Before you start using any cleaning magic on your brown stains on mattress, it’s super important to do a little test first. This is like trying out a new crayon on a small corner of paper before you color your whole picture.

 Testing The Cleaning Solution

Imagine that you are experimenting with new paint. You wouldn’t want to sabotage your masterpiece, would you? In a similar vein, you don’t want to unintentionally ruin your mattress with cleaning supplies. 

That is why we emphasize—by which we mean we really, really emphasize—how crucial it is to conduct a small test. 

This test will take place in an obscure location, so if anything goes wrong, nobody will notice. It’s similar to rehearsing a skateboard trick before performing it in front of everyone. By testing in this obscure location, you may prevent any potential danger or damage to your entire mattress.

How To Perform a Spot Test Properly

Now, here comes the how-to part! Doing a spot test isn’t complicated, promise. Here’s what you do:

  • Choose a small, hidden part of brown stains on mattress. This could be a corner that’s under the sheets or somewhere near the edge.
  • Take a tiny amount of the cleaning solution you’re planning to use. Remember, just a little bit is enough for the test.
  • Dab (that means lightly touching) the solution on that hidden spot. You can use a clean cloth or a cotton swab.
  • Hold on a moment. Give it ten to fifteen minutes. This is comparable to waiting for your ice cream to melt before eating it.
  • Check if anything weird happens. If the fabric changes color, gets damaged, or acts strange, stop right there! That solution might not be the best match for your mattress.
  • If everything looks good and normal after the wait time, you’re good to go! Your cleaning solution passed the test and won’t harm your mattress.

Remember, the spot test is like trying on a new hat before buying it – you want to make sure it fits and looks good. So, be a wise cleaner and test your cleaning potion first. Your mattress will thank you! 

Step-by-Step Cleaning Methods

How To Get Rid Of Brown Stains On Mattress

Alright, time to roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty of cleaning rust stains on mattress! We’ve got a few methods up our sleeves, and each one has its own magic. Let’s dive in:

A. Baking Soda Method

Imagine brown stains on mattress as a delicious cake, and baking soda is like the special ingredient that makes it super clean.

Create a Baking Soda Paste 

It’s like mixing pancake batter! Grab some baking soda and add a tiny bit of water to make a paste – not too thick, not too runny.

Gently Apply the Paste Using a Soft-Bristle Brush

Pretend you’re painting. Use a soft-bristle brush to put the baking soda paste on the brown spots on mattress. Be gentle, like you’re giving your mattress a little spa treatment.

Allow the Paste to Sit for 15-30 Minutes to Absorb Odors and Moisture

Now it’s time for the paste to do its magic. Let it chill for a bit, like leaving a face mask on. This helps it soak up any smells and moisture.

To Get Rid of the Baking Soda Residue, thoroughly Vacuum the Mattress

Grab your vacuum cleaner and give the big brown stain on mattress a big hug. Suck up all that baking soda and any yucky stuff it soaked up. Your mattress will feel lighter and fresher.

B. Vinegar Method

Vinegar is like a superhero in the cleaning world. It fights stains and odors like a champion.

  • Mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle – they’re like best buddies ready to tackle stains together.
  • Lightly Mist the Brown Stains With the Vinegar Solution
  • Spray a gentle mist on the brown spots, like a sprinkle of magic cleaning potion.
  • Blot the Area Using a Clean Cloth to Absorb Excess Moisture
  • Grab a clean cloth and press it on the large brown stain on mattress. It’s like giving your mattress a little pat to soak up the extra liquid.
  • Allow the Mattress to Air Dry Completely

Let your mattress relax and dry out. Just like hanging out in the sun after a dip in the pool.

C. Hydrogen Peroxide Method

Hydrogen peroxide is like a superhero sidekick – it’s strong but gentle.

Mix hydrogen peroxide

Mix hydrogen peroxide with a few drops of mild detergent to create a cleaning solution. Think of this as making a special drink. Mix hydrogen peroxide with a little bit of mild detergent to make a cleaning solution.

Dampen a Clean Cloth With the Solution 

Dip a clean cloth in the solution and dab it on the brown stains on mattress. It’s like giving your mattress a mini spa treatment with a special cleanser. Keep dabbing gently until the stain decides to say goodbye.

Use Water to Rinse the Area

Like washing your face after using a cleanser, rinse the area with plain water to make sure all the cleaning solution is gone.

Allow the Mattress to Dry Thoroughly

Time for a nap, mattress style. Let it air out until it’s completely dry. No rush, just relaxation. Phew, that was a lot, but we did it! With these methods, your mattress will be squeaky clean and ready for cozy sleep nights. 


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Deodorizing and Preventive Measures

Let’s make your mattress smell amazing and keep those pesky stains away! Check these out:

Sprinkle baking soda over brown stains on mattress surface to neutralize odors

Imagine dark brown stains on mattress is a pizza, and baking soda is the cheese you’re sprinkling all over. Yep, baking soda is like magic for getting rid of any not-so-nice smells.

Let the baking soda sit for a few hours or overnight before vacuuming

Give that baking soda some time to do its thing. Think of it as letting your favorite seasoning marinate on the pizza. Leave it for a while – a few hours or even all night – so it can work its odor-eating magic.

Tips on Regular Mattress Maintenance 

Now, let’s talk about keeping your mattress spick and span in the long run:

1 – Using mattress protectors

It’s like giving your mattress a shield! Get a mattress protector – it’s like a fancy cover for your mattress. It helps keep spills, dirt, and even brown stains away. Plus, it’s easy to clean, too.

2 – Rotating the mattress

 Imagine flipping your pancake – that’s what you’ll do with your mattress! Every few months, turn your mattress around. This helps it wear evenly and prevents those sneaky brown spots from showing up.

So there you have it – sprinkle some baking soda magic, let it chill, and then keep your mattress happy and clean with a protector.

Professional Cleaning Options

Alright, let’s talk about calling in the experts when things get a bit tricky. Sometimes, your mattress needs a superhero team to tackle those tough stains. Here’s the scoop:

Suggest Seeking Professional Mattress Cleaning Services 

Think of it like this: when you’re facing a super tough level in a game, you might ask a gaming pro for help. Similarly, if your mattress has stains that just won’t budge, it’s a good idea to call in the professionals. These are people who are really good at getting rid of stubborn and big stains.

Benefits of Professional Cleanings

Here’s why the professionals are like the superheroes of mattress cleaning:

1 – Deep Cleaning 

Imagine giving brown stains on mattress a spa day. Professionals have special tools and techniques to clean your mattress super thoroughly. It’s like giving it a deep, refreshing bath that gets into all the nooks and crannies.

2 – Stain Removal Expertise

Have you ever seen a magician make something disappear? Well, pros are like stain magicians. They know all the tricks to make even the toughest stains vanish. They have the right potions (cleaning solutions) and spells (techniques) to do the job.

So, if your mattress is facing some seriously stubborn or big stains, it’s totally cool to call in the cleaning experts. They’ll give your mattress the spa treatment it deserves! 

Does Urine Ruin Memory Foam?

Yes, there’s a more conversational explanation of how urine affects memory foam:

Absorption and Penetration

Do you know how a sponge soaks up water? Well, memory foam acts a bit like that. When urine gets on memory foam, it can actually seep inside because memory foam is kind of like a bunch of tiny sponges. The urine can go in and make itself comfortable, which isn’t a good thing.

Odor Absorption

You might have noticed that urine has a strong smell. Well, when urine hangs out in memory foam, that smell gets trapped like a secret that won’t go away. So, your once-comfy mattress or foam thing starts smelling not-so-pleasant over time.

Bacterial Growth

Bacteria love moisture, and urine brings that moisture to the party. So, when urine finds its way into memory foam, bacteria, and tiny organisms decide it’s a great place to set up camp. This can lead to cleanliness issues and even health concerns down the line.

Stain Formation

 Ever spilled something on your clothes and it leaves a stubborn stain? The same thing can happen with brown stains on mattress and urine. It can leave visible marks that are a real pain to get rid of. No amount of scrubbing might fully make them disappear.

Structural Integrity

Let’s talk about the structure of memory foam – those cozy, supportive cells. Well, urine can actually damage these cells over time. It’s like watering a plant too much – the foam can break down, and your mattress might not feel as comfy as before.

Cleaning Challenges

Cleaning up after a urine incident on memory foam isn’t a walk in the park. Regular cleaning methods might not fully get rid of the smell, stains, and bacteria. Plus, using harsh cleaning stuff might make things worse by damaging the foam.

Allergen Accumulation

 Urine hanging around in memory foam can also attract allergens and things that can irritate you. If you have allergies or sensitivities, this could mean discomfort.

Health Concerns

Now, imagine sleeping on a mattress soaked with urine. Yuck, right? Well, it’s not just the ick factor – there can be actual health risks. Bacteria and allergens from the urine can make things tough, especially if you have breathing issues or a weaker immune system.


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Why Is My Mattress Yellow?

Don’t worry if your mattress has turned a little yellow; it happens to a lot of mattresses. This is due to a few factors:

Natural Aging

Just like how things change color with time, your mattress can too. Over the years, the materials in your mattress might naturally shift in color, leading to that yellowish hue.

Sweat and Oils

Yep, our bodies release sweat and natural oils when we sleep. Over time, these can seep into brown stains on mattress, and as they mix with the mattress materials, they might cause that yellowing effect.

Dust and Dirt

 Even with your best efforts, dust, and dirt can find their way into your mattress. These particles can settle and contribute to discoloration, making your mattress look a bit yellow.

Sunlight Exposure

 If your mattress hangs out in a sunny spot, the UV rays from the sun can sometimes speed up the yellowing process. Sunlight can affect the materials and colors in your mattress over time.


Sometimes, spills or accidents can leave behind marks that could eventually cause the mattress to yellow in those areas.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can old stains be removed from mattress?

Sure thing! While it’s trickier with old stains, there’s still hope. Depending on the stain type and how long it’s been there, you might have success using different cleaning methods. So, yes, old stains can often be lightened or even completely removed with the right approach and a bit of patience!

Does baking soda remove stains on mattress?

Absolutely! Baking soda is like a cleaning superhero. It can help lift and lighten many types of rust stains on mattress. Just sprinkle it on, let it chill, then vacuum it up. It’s not a magic wand, but it’s pretty darn effective!

Does vinegar remove stains from mattress?

You bet! Vinegar is a natural stain-fighter. It can break down and lift many stains from a mattress. Mix with water, gently blot the stain, and let it dry. It’s like a secret weapon against stubborn marks!

How long do you leave baking soda on a stain?

Give it some time to work its magic! Let the baking soda sit on the brown spots on mattress for at least 15 to 30 minutes. It’s like letting it have a cozy chat with the stain before you vacuum it away.


Remember, a clean mattress isn’t just about looks – it’s about better sleep and staying healthy. We covered ways how to get rid of brown stains on mattress using baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide, with a sprinkle of baking soda for freshness. Now, it’s your turn – roll up your sleeves, follow the steps, and give your mattress some TLC. Let’s bring back the comfy, clean vibes for better sleep nights!

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